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Pay A Fair Rate For Auto Insurance With The Help Of These Methods Don't put yourself at risk of financial burden by not having auto insurance for yourself or your teen drivers! Having auto insurance protects you and helps offset costs, should you be in a car accident. Use the following tips to pick the right auto insurance company to fit you or your teen driver's needs. To get the most for your money when pricing automobile insurance, be sure to consider the extras that are included with some policies. You can save on towing costs with emergency roadside assistance that is included by some insurers. Others may offer discounts for good drivers or including more than one car on your policy. If you are a young driver looking to purchase an auto insurance policy but do not want to pay an arm and a leg, a great step you can take is to get an older driver to share the insurance with you. Much like having someone with good credit co-sign a loan with you, having an older, experienced driver on your insurance will bring your payments down. When you are buying car insurance, make sure you get property damage liability. This coverage will include any damage you may have incurred during an accident. Most states require this sort of coverage, anyway. If you are involved in a car accident, then having this will save you a great deal of money. If you want to lower your monthly payment to the lowest that is legally possible, raise the deductibles on your car insurance. The higher the deductible is set the lower your premiums are going to be. Check with the lien holder to be sure that there is not a minimum that it has to be set at. When purchasing car insurance, do not get unnecessary add-ons. Things like Motor Club, Travel Club, and Accidental Death Insurance are rarely used and just end up costing you more money each year. Instead, stick with things you will use, such as collision coverage, liability and property damage, and bodily injury coverage. If you are thinking about purchasing a new vehicle, you should look for a large vehicle. If you buy a van or a truck, chances are damages will not be too bad if you get into an accident. Most insurance companies know this, and offer relatively low rates for these types of vehicles. If your annual premium corresponds to ten percent of your car's blue book value, you should drop your collision coverage. Coverage is limited to a car's blue book value: if your car is too old, you are paying a lot of money for an insurance that will not pay you much when you file a claim. Consider switching the deductible from $1000 to $100. There a many pros and cons for lowering a deductible, even so the pros usually outweigh the cons. You might find yourself paying for a minor collision or two, but you should ultimately be saving a lot more money if you are a safe driver. An important auto insurance tip is to always review your driving record prior to seeking price quotes on a new policy. By knowing how many tickets and points are on your state record at any given time, you will be able estimate the impact they are likely to have on the cost of your coverage. Always keep some kind of camera with you in your car. Being able to document the scene of an accident can help police and insurance companies to determine fault. It can also help the insurance adjuster to decide the outcome of your claim more quickly. If the accident was the fault of the other driver, your photos could help save you from costly rate increases. Check both the crash rating and the theft rating of any new car you are interested in purchasing. Car insurance companies charge more for policies on cars they feel are at a higher risk of being stolen, or that have a bad crash rating compared to other cars with much better ratings. Another way to lower your auto insurance policy premium is by taking good care of your credit. Good credit is good when it comes to your auto insurance. By keeping your credit rating healthy, it may be considered by some insurers when they are setting rates for your auto policy. Ask your insurance carrier about various discounts that you might be eligible for. If you are a student, for example, some companies offer a discount to students with a high grade point average. Some companies additionally offer a discount to people who have certain occupations, so check and see what you might be eligible for. You need to understand the ins and outs of your policy and make sure that you are properly covered. Some of the typical insurance coverages include bodily injury and medical expenses. But, you may have to specifically ask about other coverage, such as collision and comprehensive protection. It is important to see what types are covered with your insurance policy to ensure that it is enough for everything you'll need it for. A great tip for lowering your auto insurance policy is to increase your credit or FICO score. Insurers use this score to measure how safe you are as a driver. The higher your FICO score, the lower your insurance premiums will be. Therefore, you need to know this score and if there is need for improvement, correct it. Don't allow your teen or yourself to drive without auto insurance. Car accidents and car repairs can be incredibly expensive. Having auto insurance before something happens is important so you can protect you and your family from a financial struggle! Use the tips above to get auto insurance today!