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Tips To Say Good Bye To High Premiums Laws require auto insurance not just to protect you but also other drivers, passengers, or pedestrians that may be injured when accidents occur. This article highlights various insurance options below. If you are driving into Canada or Mexico, many people don't realize that your American car insurance won't cover you in a foreign country. You will need to purchase auto insurance ahead of time online, or in the border town or city where you will be crossing over into either Canada or Mexico. Contact your auto insurance agency if you have a change in your work situation. Retiring, cutting back your hours, or switching to telecommuting all mean that you will be driving considerably fewer miles each week. The number of miles you drive can have a significant impact on your auto insurance rates. There are many aspects of auto insurance which most people are completely unaware of, like the Group Automobiles scoring system. Check into this particular scoring system before you purchase a vehicle. You will find cars and trucks rated from 1 to 20. Purchasing the lower-rated automobiles on this list will allow you to save money. If you can decrease your annual mileage, you can expect a decrease in cost for your automobile policy. Insurance companies normally estimate that you will drive around 12,000 miles per year. If you can lower this number, or are someone who does not drive that far that often, you may see a reduction. Be sure that you are honest about your miles since the insurance company may want proof. If you're planning to, or just got married, call your insurance company for a discount. Drivers who are married tend to drive more safely, especially if they have children in the car. Insurance companies often will give you a discount once you tie the knot, due to your better driving. Check with your auto insurer to find out if registering your spouse as a co-driver can help reduce your premiums. Many insurance companies offer discounts in such situations. Their reasoning is that married drivers are motivated to drive more cautiously. If your insurer offers such a deal, be sure to take advantage of it. Shop for your car insurance online. Shopping online for car insurance can save you, on average, 5% to 10%. It saves you money because it saves the insurance provider money. Doing things online is just less expensive from all angles. You can even shop around and compare rates much easier. Try to dig up as much information about how a particular car insurance company handles claims. There are some out there that will get the work done on your car as quickly as your mechanic can do the work ,and there are others that will really drag their feet when it comes to paying out a claim. Having your VIN number etched into your window can lower your insurance premiums up to 15 percent. Sometimes the VIN number is already etched into the car's window, but will raise the price of the car $300 to $900. You can also etch the number into the window yourself for $19.95. Your insurance should not be too expensive if you drive less than 7500 miles a year. You can drive less by taking public transportation instead, or by sharing rides with your coworkers. Make sure you can provide a proof to your insurance company that you drive under 7500 miles a year. Everyone knows that a Ferrari is an expensive car, but what you may not know is that the insurance will be vastly more expensive as well. If you have your heart set on a car like this, make sure that you consider the increased prices of the insurance as well. At times it can be as much as 3 times the price of a normal car. Whenever possible, avoid filing and submitting minor claims to your vehicle insurance provider. Unfortunately, increased reliance upon insurance services directly translates to significant increases in monthly rates. Consider filing claims only if you are unable to cover the cost of repairs, and if failure to have repairs creates an unsafe driving condition. Find an auto insurance provider that offers you the chance to lower your premiums each year. Whether by driving safely throughout the year, maintaining coverage all year, or any other type of qualifiers, you want to be sure that your provider is going to offer rewards or perks by lowering your rate through time. If you are renting a car for the weekend, you may not need to purchase the rental company's auto insurance policy. In some cases, the rental insurance will cover the same things that your standard auto policy would cover. In other instances, if you are renting the car with a credit card, look into your credit card policy. Many major credit cards will provide free insurance coverage specifically for rental cars as part of the credit card agreement. A great tip for getting affordable auto insurance is to pay your policy in the full amount if you can. The reason is because you could be paying extra fees when paying your premiums on a monthly basis. Therefore, you should save as much money as you can now and pay your next premium in the full amount. Because there are so many different types of automobiles out there, as well as different types of drivers, there are also many different types of insurance. By using what you've learned above, you can work to mix and match your way to a solid personal policy that will help you to save some big money.